Develop Me


Develop Me is a collection of guidelines and processes - a framework if you will - that aims to help grow our Developers and Development capabilities at Trade Me.

The goal is to provide a useful resource to all those looking to advance their Development skills, or foster advancement in someone else. The primary audience of this is Developers and their managers, however much of this should still be relevant to those in other roles looking to try their hand at Development.

Ultimately this is the framework we are creating to help Developers and their managers:


In the past we’ve tried to measure Developer competency using Junior / Intermediate / Senior levels in combination with (and also sometimes without) skills matrices. The theory was that we could easily identify, and measure, the necessary technical skills required for different levels. The reality was somewhat different:

Growth Focused Model

To overcome these issues Develop Me looks to replace the old seniority based model and instead drive focus towards mastery and growth: