Develop Me


Assessment using the Develop Me model aims to provide a clear view as to where a person sits in regards to current levels.

It is not necessary to evaluate responsibility levels the exceed your current reach - with your reach being the next ‘broad’ level you can attain. This means that if you’re broadly level 4 then you shouldn’t even look at level 6 responsibilities yet.


It’s a good idea for both the staff member and assessor to individually go through the responsibilities and create a rough assessment of where you think they’re at in regards to level. Be honest when doing this, if you don’t know or are unsure whether a certain criteria is met then don’t provide a grade for it; similarly if you are on the fence about meeting the requirements for a certain level then it’s best to assume it isn’t met yet. Try to come up with evidence for your grading - especially for responsibilities where there is an element of uncertainty, or you believe there will be a difference of opinions.

It may be beneficial to start out with a broad overall scoring - eg: I believe the person should be broadly a level 4 - and use that number as a starting point for the assessment. In this way you’d begin assessing each responsibility from level 4, if they meet they requirement then maybe check level 5, otherwise look at level 3.


When assessing someone against the Develop Me responsibilities it is essential to have open and honest conversations regarding what level you believe someone is; there’s zero benefit to anyone in inflating a score. To help you have these honest conversations it’s a good idea to be able to provide clear examples of when and how a Developer has met obligations or exceeded expectations - we’ll call these examples evidence.

We collect evidence in order to satisfy the following criteria:

We’ll call this criteria the 5 C’s (there are many differing 5 C models out there for differing purposes, including Medium’s Engineering Growth Framework from which this is stolen based).

Example evidence
Complexity of work - Level 4
You work on a range of complex and routine tasks applying a methodical approach to resolving issues
Lesley has taken over support of the Plutonium Enrichment System and is responsible for ensuring continued operation within demanding SLAs
Conscious Has taken the time to get a deep understanding of the system, had read through the specs and done several deep dives through the codebase
Comfortable Was able to remotely diagnose and resolve a recent P2 outage in the system and has been on hand to assist in various upgrade projects
Continuous Has been involved in a number of 'war rooms' since March and frequently is called upon to give technical advice to other squads
Consistent Is sought out by other groups to give technical advice and can be relied upon to be measured and thorough in responses
Competent Has successfully resolved issues that other engineers have struggled to fix and is relied upon by others due to being able to resolve complex problems

The assessment

You should both go through the model together and compare your individual assessments if you have them. If you both agree on a level scoring that’s great, it’ll save you time, and you can skip onto the responsibilities where you differ.

Where you do have differences in scores you should look to discuss where this difference comes from, and try to settle on an agreed outcome using evidence and the 5 C’s system.

Differences will arise for many reasons, and they do not necessarily reflect a negative view of a Developer’s skills. If you score lowly on a responsibility it may be because you’re not being given a fair opportunity to prove yourself at higher levels, or your assessor may not be fully aware of all the work you have been doing.

You should not look to do any assessments for responsibilities much beyond your average / broad level. If you’re mostly level 3 then you might be expected to have a few level 4 but seldom should there be any level 5s, and you wouldn’t look to assess anybody above their next broad level.